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Optical Staff


John Watson, ABOC

Optical Manager

Originally from Utah, John is a student, teacher, and local Jiu-jitsu athlete. Graduating with an AAOT from Oregon Coast Community College, he earned notable scholarships including the Oregon All Academic Team and the Oregon NASA Scholarship. An active member of the Student Government at OCCC, he was an advocate for students on the College Council as a voting member and spearheaded projects in the service of environmental conservation and student

mental health. Currently he is an Oregon State University student working towards a BA in microbiology to be used as a prerequisite for optometry school.

John also teaches Brazilian Jiu Jitsu courses for Oregon State University, volunteers teaching their OSU BJJ club, and teaches Jiu Jitsu locally. John has been trained and has experience working in the clinical and optical sides of eye care, and now uses that to connect and understand the unique vision needs of each patient.

When not in the office he can be found studying, spending time with his dog Bodhi, teaching or training Jiu-jitsu, or camping.

Kerrisa Morphis


Born and raised in Minnesota, Kerrisa moved to Oregon 3 years ago to work at an outdoor science school and decided to stay. Before settling down in this coastal community, Kerrisa spent her


early 20’s traveling & living abroad in other small coastal towns. Kerrisa found the field of opticianry after a life filled with a passion for all things fashion & style. With her work history spanning

from nannying, customer service, and teaching, Kerrisa enjoys connecting with all the different types of people she works with! Outside of work, she enjoys any type of outdoor activity such as

surfing, hiking, and camping. Outside of her work, she designs and sells her own intentional gemstone jewelry at local shops & markets around Oregon. With plans of getting her ABO & NLCE

certifications, Kerrisa looks forward to progressing in the field & helping you and your loved ones get some new glasses at OC Eyecare.



Optometric Staff

Avery Williams


A 2021 graduate of Newport High School, Avery has been a long-term Lincoln County resident since childhood. Taking a myriad of IB courses in high school, and now intending to pursue higher education in the studies of psychology and human rights. Avery has taken to working at in optometry following many years in the service industry, finding enjoyment and fulfillment in the healthcare field. Taking on any task when needed, from working up patients for Dr. Schroeder, to maintaining a steady stock of contact trials, every task is tended to with attention.

When away from the workplace, Avery likes to go on hikes, travel, spend time with close friends, and write personal stories. In the pursuit of experiences abroad, Avery currently plans to live overseas in the coming years, in the hopes of studying various societies and cultures firsthand.